Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sometimes I wish I could call in sick to being a mom.

This week has been awful. We went camping this last weekend (that post will come later) and it was freezing. That, on top of my kids at work being sick, led me to get sick. It started with a slight sore throat on Sunday. I went to work Monday but just couldn't take it anymore. I was absolutely freezing and just couldn't get warm. I had to take the temps of two of our kids so I decided to check mine. Sure enough I was running a temp. I went and picked Madelyn up from school but kept Elise at the sitter's. Madelyn and I came home and took a good nap. I ran a fever the whole rest of the day. Yesterday, my throat still hurt but the fever was gone. I went to the doctor because I was 99% sure that I had strep throat. The doctor confirmed it.

Yesterday was just miserable. Being sick when you're a mom is rough! I just wanted to lay around on the couch and sleep all day but I had an almost 4 year old and infant to take care of keep occupied. I felt bad because there was a lot of yelling going on and poor Elise spent most of her day in the swing or the bouncer. Madelyn never stops talking and making noise. Elise has discovered her voice this week as well. My head felt like it wanted to explode between the two of them.

One of the reasons my head hurt so bad yesterday:

I also had to haul both of them to my doctor's appointment with me. It was such a long day. The second Craig walked in the door I handed the parenting duties off to him and laid on the couch.

I ran a fever all day again today and I'm over it. I sick of being sick. I haven't had to take time off work for myself being sick in a long time! It's always been because of Madelyn and now Elise.

I'm feeling much better tonight thank goodness. I don't think I could handle another day at home with the two of them when I feel like crap.

Oh and what irritates me even more is that when Craig was sick a couple of weeks ago it was just expected that I would take the girls to the sitters but he never even offered to take them for me yesterday. Boo!

Anyone else ever wish you could call in sick to being a mom?


  1. Heck yes! Travis is pretty good about coming home for meals/naptime if I'm really sick, but the screaming and playing and fighting the rest of the time...oy. Don't you just wish they could understand that you're sick the way you can understand when they're sick? Maybe in, say....10 more years?? MAYBE.

  2. I hear ya!! I haven't been sick in a while, but yesterday I had one of the worst migraines ever, and had run out of my migraine drugs and thankfully Hubs picked Goose up from daycare and kept her downstairs until he brought her with him when he came to bed... normally he isn't much help when I'm not feeling well, and I soooo appreciated it yesterday. Of course he was in bed at 7pm - but still ;)

  3. Being sick when you are a mom is the WORST! Sometimes I feel like it would be an easier day at work then at home! :) Hope you are feeling back to normal soon!
